Thursday, April 15, 2010

Agent Provocateur Perfume Review

With a name like this, agent provocateur perfume reviews usually do follow the line that the perfume is trying to say. Wors such as sexy, dangerous, provocative and so forth all come to mind which is a good thing. However does this perfume really stack up to this idea?

Well, to me it was a case of "almost".

This is avery asian scented perfume with highlights of white lotus,white ylang ylang, jasmin and musk. The asian features got me very interested to start with being o Chinese descent but I was a little dissapionted.

I found this perfume to be extremely strong and a little offputting to start with. I also did not feel it lasted long enough but it was not too short so a minor niggle there. The fragrance itself certainly was evocative though and when I fist went to a party wearing it i got compliments about it from men and women so I was well pleased with that.

However I did not feel great about it as it just felt too "out there" for my tastes. This is a perfume for women who want to grab attention and hold onto it so I would recommend it if you really want to stand out or if you are a naturally outgoing and extroverted person.

Wear it with a Qipao dress for maximum asian impact though!

I give it a 3/5 for boldness and captivating fragrance. Losing points for the sheer overpowering smell!

Unless the stength of this sounds appealing to you I suggest maybe getting a tester sample form Scentiments which coems with free shipping so is very cheap.

Agent Provocateur 5 ml EDP MINI spray for Women by Agent Provocateur.

The larger botles on the site are also very well priced against other places.

How do You Rate Agent Provocateur

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