Thursday, April 15, 2010

Agent Provocateur Perfume Review

With a name like this, agent provocateur perfume reviews usually do follow the line that the perfume is trying to say. Wors such as sexy, dangerous, provocative and so forth all come to mind which is a good thing. However does this perfume really stack up to this idea?

Well, to me it was a case of "almost".

This is avery asian scented perfume with highlights of white lotus,white ylang ylang, jasmin and musk. The asian features got me very interested to start with being o Chinese descent but I was a little dissapionted.

I found this perfume to be extremely strong and a little offputting to start with. I also did not feel it lasted long enough but it was not too short so a minor niggle there. The fragrance itself certainly was evocative though and when I fist went to a party wearing it i got compliments about it from men and women so I was well pleased with that.

However I did not feel great about it as it just felt too "out there" for my tastes. This is a perfume for women who want to grab attention and hold onto it so I would recommend it if you really want to stand out or if you are a naturally outgoing and extroverted person.

Wear it with a Qipao dress for maximum asian impact though!

I give it a 3/5 for boldness and captivating fragrance. Losing points for the sheer overpowering smell!

Unless the stength of this sounds appealing to you I suggest maybe getting a tester sample form Scentiments which coems with free shipping so is very cheap.

Agent Provocateur 5 ml EDP MINI spray for Women by Agent Provocateur.

The larger botles on the site are also very well priced against other places.

How do You Rate Agent Provocateur

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sarah Jessica Parker Perfume Reviews - Lovely & Twilight

More Sarah Jessica parker perfume reviews today! This time I will look at the very popular "Lovely" and the "Twilight" fragrance of the same collection.


This brand encompasses more than just the perfume. There is body wash, roll on deodorant, body butter and more! However I just wanted to focus on the original perfume itself.

My first impression of Lovely a few years ago was actually not that great. When I first smelled it I was a little under impressed. It was a little too, perhaps mature for me at the time and was just so different to what I was wearing usually.

Lovely has a crispness when you first smell it but not overpowering and not too light either. I could detect some softer more sensual elements as well but this only really started to show when you put it on and wear if for a while.

Once it interacts with your body it deepens and leaves a very sophisticated scent that as the name says is quite lovely!

It took me some time to catch on to this, perhaps because I have matured a bit and this is definitely a sophisticated womanly scent and not a "cute" fragrance that younger girls might be enamoured with.

I have not worn this for a while I must say but it does make me want to put it back into my regular perfume rotation as this is an everyday to any occasions perfume.

Whenever I put on the high heels and a mature and sexy dress this is perfume I would pick! It is also not too expensive which is a bonus.

I give is a 4.5/5 for versatility and value and uniqueness!

Amazon usually have great prices for this.

I have not seen anyone cheaper at this point in time!


This is the last of the Sarah Jessica Parker Perfumes. This is a spicy, warm and sensual fragrance.

  • Twilight Is The Most Seductive Of The Lovely Collection, Perhaps What She Would Wear When Meeting Big For A Liaison.

  • This An Ambery Musk Fragrance For Women By Perfumers Laurent Le Guernec And Clement Gavarry (the Perfumers For The Original Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely Fragrance); The Notes Feature Bergamot, Galbanum, Mandarin, Pink Pepper, Peony, Jasmine, Amber, Sandalwood, Incense And Musk.
You can really smell the pepper, incense and musk in this perfume and of all the lovely series of fragrances it is the most unique and probably the most interesting to me at least. It has a certain vitality to it that the other lovely perfumes lack ... which is not a bad thing, just a different smell for a different occasion. To me is has an autumn feel to it and while it has this spiciness to it, it has a delicate feel to it as well. Full bodied but giving, something a perfume that prides itself on seduction should have just like women in the game of love itself :) I currently have half a bottle left of this as I only wear it on special occasions. It is a mood setter for me and while I have half a dozen perfumes that do similar things for me, this one continues to get some use when I am feeling sophisticated. I rate it 4/5 ... I know I am giving similar ratings but I am reviewing the ones I like so far hehe!

Scentiments has this for a great price at the time I am writing this which you can click here to check out 

Amazon nearly matches it however ... I think the image below updates the price real time too so compare the two, I have not seen prices like these at many other places.


How do You Rate Twilight

How do You Rate Lovely

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sarah Jessica Parker Perfume Reviews - Dawn and Covet

These are my Sarah Jessica Parker Perfume Reviews for a few fragrances. I am a big fan of Sarah’s work but acting does not always translate into a good perfume! So I went to my local perfume store and tried a
few and scammed myself a few samples as well! :)


This comes in a nice looking bottle with a light blue design. However on closer inspection the lid is a little cheap looking and obviously plastic. However I don’t like to criticise looks that much for
something that is bought for fragrance ... but appearances help too!

The official description is:

Top Notes: Citrus cocktail, violet leaves, angelica
Middle Notes: Bouquet of exotic orchids
Bottom Notes: Tahitian vanilla, translucent musks

What I noticed was that it was a light floral scent as you would imagine form the description and no fruity smells which is good as that would ruin the purpose of this perfume I feel.

The scent was fresh and light as I mentioned and I found it lingered for a long time which I found to be great as some wear off too soon.

Not my favourite but definitely a good perfume to wear for relaxed and lazy outings perhaps :)

I give it 3.4/5 and not too expensive.

It is well priced on Scentiments here

But at the time of writing this Amazon had it cheaper here


This one came with a lot of recommendations to me from some friends and the girls at the store. I HATE the bottle though, it looks like a tap!

Launched by the design house of Sarah Jessica Parker in 2007, COVET is a women's fragrance that possesses a blend of Geranium leaves, Lemon, Honeysuckle, Chocolate, Lavender, Lemon, Amber, Musk, Teakwood

Chocolate, lemon, honeysuckle ... this looked interesting but I was a bit confused as to how this would all hang together as they scents seemed a bit too disparate for a good fragrance but I was impressed enough with Dawn to give this a go.

As you can imagine this is a complex perfume but it does not offend in the slightest as it is still very fresh. At first you get a good smell of lavender but the initial scent eventually mellows to let loose the chocolate and lemon fragrances as well.

This is a classy perfume and quite a romantic one ... or so says my man ;) It can be worn for many an occasion but I like to wear it for special occasions and not as a daily scent.

I give it a 4/5 and I think many women will like it more than I do in fact

Amazon has it extremely cheaply here at the time of writing.

However Scentiments is close to matching it here but is a little more expensive

More Sarah Jessica Parker perfume reviews in the next few days!

How do You Rate Covet?

How do You Rate Dawn?